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Yet pls provide chapter wise marking scheme�.. Kindly be more detailed for mathematics basic as well as standard. Thx it seems quite helpful�. Kindly provide chapter wise marks�. It may b more helpful� Also provide details regarding mathematics basic and standard. Thanks for the team of CBSE. Such information are very useful for the preparation of exam. I attempt all 6 questions of map but would be 4 to attempt.

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November 18, at pm. December 28, at pm. November 23, at pm. July 18, at pm. November 24, at pm. Tanisha manwani. January 8, at am. Varsha mishra. January 24, at pm. February 17, at am. June 23, at pm. July 20, at pm. July 23, at pm. November 16, at pm. January 31, at pm. February 5, at pm. Priti subba. February 9, at am. February 16, at pm. February 20, at pm. February 22, at pm. It is based upon what you choose in the form standard or basic.

February 26, at am. February 27, at pm. March 5, at pm. December 27, at pm. In the geography we have only 6 chapter bit you gave total 7 chapter. January 2, at pm.

February 16, at am. Disha modi. July 31, at am. February 25, at pm. March 13, at am. January 12, at pm. January 16, at am. January 25, at pm. Pritesh rathwa.

March 2, at pm. January 29, at am. Mahesh Kumar. February 6, at am. February 18, at pm. February 19, at am. March 12, at pm. Rahul fagna. February 20, at am. July 19, at pm. Nice we are knowing it before hand and we can also prepare for it. February 21, at am. March 3, at pm. Ram prasad mahato.

March 5, at am. Same because it will be easier for students who are average in studies. March 15, at am. February 22, at am.

August 2, at pm. Anannya roy. March 25, at pm. March 28, at pm. January 30, at pm. Ch-5 from civics has been erase and 4 marks question doesnot come. May 27, at am. Fixed bug Wrong Day of Week. Stefan Esser. CLI server: Fixed bug Segfault with built-in webserver and chunked transfer encoding. Exif: Fixed crash on unknown encoding. CLI server: Fixed bug built-in server treat some http headers as case-sensitive.

Build system: Fixed bug 'make test' crashes starting with 5. Fixed bug shutdown segfault due to serialize. Improved fix for bug compile failure on netbsd.

Session: Fixed bug rfc crashes php even though turned off. Fixed bug session id not appended properly for empty anchor tags. PDO: Fixed bug Postgres prepared statement positional parameter casting. Fixed bug Exception not catchable when exception thrown in autoload with a namespace. Fixed bug Error on serialize of ArrayObject. CURL: Fixed bug curl. XML: Fixed bug heap corruption in xml parser.

Fixed bug doc comments picked up from previous scanner run. Fixed bug quoted-printable-encode stream filter incorrectly discarding whitespace. Fixed bug Cannot insert second row with null using parametrized query. Readline: Implement FR Expose additional readline variable to prevent default filename completion.

Fixed bug Use of no longer available ini directives causes crash on TS build. Fixed bug compilation failure on x Fixed bug Segfault on memory exhaustion within function definition. Fileinfo: Fixed bug mimetype detection segfaults on mp3 file. Fixed some possible memory or resource leaks and possible null dereference detected by code coverity scan.

Log a warning when a syscall fails. Fixed bug Truncated snmpget. Zend Engine: Fixed bug Custom Exceptions crash when internal properties overridden. Fixed bug fd leak on Solaris. Fileinfo: Upgraded libmagic to 5.

Zip: Fixed bug ZipArchive::addFile has to check for file existence. Fixed bug Memoryleak when using the same variablename two times in function declaration. Fixed bug more empty delimiter warning in strX methods. Fixed bug Debug backtrace changed behavior since 5. Fixed bug Parent class incorrectly using child constant in class property.

Zip: Fixed bug Zip crash intermittently. Anatol Version 5. Fixed bug dval to lval different behavior on ppc Fixed bug Inheritance with Traits failed with error. Phar: Fixed timestamp update on Phar contents modification. SOAP: Added check that soap. Fixed bug unset fails with ArrayObject and deep arrays. Fixed bug isset inconsistently produces a fatal error on protected property. Fixed bug Bad warning text from strpos on empty needle.

Fixed bug Poor efficiency of strtr using array with keys of very different length. Fixed bug Magic methods called twice for unset protected properties. Fixed bug fopen follows redirects for non-3xx statuses. FPM: Fixed bug php with fpm fails to build on Solaris 10 or Fixed bug Errors in eval 'ed code produce status code CLI server: Update list of common mime types.

Added webm, ogv, ogg. Fixed bug Memory leak when reusing curl-handle. Fixed bug Can't enable hostname validation when using curl stream wrappers. Fixed bug Curlwapper is not sending http header randomly.

Fixed bug wrong called method as callback with inheritance. Fixed bug config. Fixed bug Crasher in tt-rss backend. Date: Fixed bug Poor date performance. Fixed bug Datetime::format 'u' sometimes wrong by 1 microsecond. MySQLi: Fixed bug missing header. FPM: Fixed bug Possible null dereference and buffer overflow. Reflection: Fixed bug Fatal error on Reflection. Fixed bug un serialize leaves dangling pointers, causes crashes. Fixed bug PHP fails to open Windows deduplicated files.

Fileinfo: Fixed bug Load multiple magic files from a directory under Windows. Phar: Fixed bug Phar fails to write an openssl based signature. Core Added optional second argument for assert to specify custom message. Support building PHP with the native client toolchain. Added --offline option for tests. Fixed bug Segfault while load extension failed in zts-build. Fixed bug Notice: could not be converted to int when comparing some builtin classes.

Fixed bug Double free when use traits. Fixed bug Shutdown functions not called in certain error situation. Fixed bug Systemd integration and daemonize. Fixed bug Unneccesary warnings on FPM. Fixed bug Add PID to php-fpm init. Fixed bug --with-zend-multibyte and --enable-debug reports LEAK with run-test.

Intl Fixed bug Extending MessageFormatter and adding property causes crash. Reflection Implemented FR Allow access to name of constant used as default value. Fixed bug ArrayIterator gives misleading notice on next when moved to the end. Core Fixed crash in ZTS using same class in many threads. Fixed bug Missing error check in trait 'insteadof' clause.

Fixed bug exit code incorrect. Fixed bug Confusing error message when extending traits. Fixed bug Order of traits in use statement can cause a fatal error. Fixed bug type hinting with "self" keyword causes weird errors. Fileinfo Fix fileinfo test problems.

Fixed bug Bad formatting on phpinfo. Autoconf 2. Safe mode and all related ini options. Session bug compatibility mode session. Removed the timezone guessing algorithm in case the timezone isn't set with date. Instead of a guessed timezone, "UTC" is now used instead. Added binary numbers format 0b Added multibyte support by default.

Previously php had to be compiled with --enable-zend-multibyte. Now it can be enabled or disabled through zend. Added support for Traits. Added array dereferencing support. Added callable typehint. Added indirect method call through array. Added DTrace support. Added class member access on instantiation e. Implemented Zend Signal Handling configurable option --enable-zend-signals, off by default.

Implemented closure rebinding as parameter to bindTo. Improved the warning message of incompatible arguments. Improved ternary operator performance when returning arrays. Changed silent conversion of array to string to produce a notice.

Fixed bug : Binary number literal returns float number though its value is small enough. Improved Zend Engine memory usage Improved parse error messages. Improved Zend Engine, performance tweaks and optimizations Inlined most probable code-paths for arithmetic operations directly into executor. Improved performance of silence operator.

Simplified string offset reading. Added caches to eliminate repeatable run-time bindings of functions, classes, constants, methods and properties. Added concept of interned strings. All strings constants known at compile time are allocated in a single copy and never changed. This is a very rare and useless case. Optimized access to static properties using executor specialization. Added ability to reset user opcode handlers.

The constant values are moved from opcode operands into a separate literal table. Added hex2bin function. Added support for object references in recursive serialize calls. Improved unserialize performance. Fixed bug Possible invalid handler usage in windows random functions. Fixed bug Segfault when running symfony 2 tests. Fixed bug httpd.

Fixed bug Invalid read and writes. Fixed bug Traits Segfault. Fixed bug non-existent sub-sub keys should not have values. Fixed bug header cannot detect the multi-line header with CR 0x0D.

Fixed bug Notice when array in method prototype error. Fixed bug Conjunction of ternary and list crashes PHP. Fixed bug Missing initial value of static locals in trait methods. Fixed bug Behavior of unserialize has changed. Fixed bug Digest Authenticate missed in 5. Fixed bug Omitting a callable typehinted argument causes a segfault. Fixed bug ZTS build broken with dtrace.

Fixed bug recursive mkdir fails with current dot directory in path. Implement Get php binary path during script execution. Fixed bug iconv returns part of string on error. Added built-in web server that is intended for testing purpose. Interactive readline shell improvements Added "cli. Added "cli. Changed shell not to terminate on fatal errors.

Interactive shell works with shared readline extension. Fixed bug Memory leak when access a non-exists file. Fixed bug Last 2 lines of page not being output.

Fixed bug memory definitely lost in cli server. Fixed bug If URI does not contain a file, index. Fixed bug memory leak when using built-in server. Fixed bug Changing the working directory makes router script inaccessible.

Fixed bug Built in web server not accepting file uploads. Fixed bug cli-server could not output correctly in some case. Improved performance of FastCGI request parsing. Added process. Dropped restriction of not setting the same value multiple times, the last one holds. Lowered default value for Process Manager. Enhanced security by limiting access to user defined extensions. Enhanced error log when the primary script can't be open.

Fixed bug memory corruption when web server closed the fcgi fd. Improved BCmath extension Fixed bug bcscale related crashes on 64bits platforms. Added Berkeley DB 5 support. Fixed memory leak when calling the Finfo constructor twice.

Added FNV-1 hash support. Made Adler32 algorithm faster. Fixed bug Tiger hash output byte order. Improved intl extension Added Spoofchecker class, allows checking for visibly confusable characters and other security issues. Added Transliterator class, allowing transliteration of strings. Added support for UTS Fixed memory leak in several Intl locale functions. Added JsonSerializable interface. Ill-formed UTF-8 check for security enhancements.

Added the user defined area for CP and CP Fixed bug Characters lost while converting from cp to utf8. Fixed bug PS crash with libmysql when binding same variable as param and out. Fixed segfault with older versions of OpenSSL. Fixed bug Crash when decoding an invalid base64 encoded string. Improved internal initalization failure error messages. Fixed bug Incorrectly merged PDO dblib patches break uniqueidentifier column type. Improved Pdo Firebird driver Fixed bug segfaults if query column count less than param count.

Fixed bug segfaults when passing lowercased column name to bindColumn. Improved readline extension Fixed bug Enable callback support when built against libedit. Improved Reflection extension Added ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor to create a new instance of a class without invoking its constructor. Added ReflectionZendExtension class.

Added ReflectionClass::isCloneable. Fixed bug Reflection and Late Static Binding. Added support for object-oriented session handlers. Added support for storing upload progress feedback in session data. Fixed bug invalid return values. Sanitized return values of existing functions. IPv6 support. Fixed bug snmprealwalk snmp v1 does not handle end of OID tree correctly. Fixed bug Snmp buffer limited to char. Fixed bug snmp v3 noAuthNoPriv doesn't work. Added SplObjectStorage::getHash hook.

Immediately reject wrong usages of directories under Spl Temp FileObject and friends. Fixed bug CVE Fixed bug putenv with empty variable may lead to crash. Fixed bug compile failure on netbsd. FPM: Fixed some possible memory or resource leaks and possible null dereference detected by code coverity scan. Zend Engine: Fixed bug Custom Exception crash when internal properties overridden. SOAP Added check that soap. Core: Fixed bug Bad warning text from strpos on empty needle.

Core: Fixed bug config. Fixed bug Segfault on output buffer. Date: Fixed bug Datetime::format 'u' sometimes wrong by 1 microsecond. Intl Fixed bug defective cloning in several intl classes.

Fixed bug munmap is called with the incorrect length. Fixed bug php binaries installed as binary. Session Fixed bug segfault due to retval is not initialized. Fixed bug Memory leak when restoring an exception handler. Fixed bug Exceeding max nesting level doesn't delete numerical vars.

Fixed bug strpbrk mishandles NUL byte. Fixed bug header cannot detect the multi-line header with CR. Fixed bug php-fpm compilation problem. Fileinfo Upgraded libmagic to 5. Fixed bug Unable to detect error from finfo constructor.

Installation Fixed bug Add Apache 2. Fixed bug PDO should export compression flag with myslqnd. Fixed bug Late static binding doesn't work with ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs. Session Fixed bug session. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when trying to die in SessionHandler::write. SOAP Fixed bug gzip compression fails. Fixed bug Soap Client stream context header option ignored. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when DirectoryIterator's or FilesystemIterator's iterators are requested more than once without having had its dtor callback called in between.

Fixed bug inconsistent isset behavior of Arrayobject. Fixed bug ArrayObject comparison. SQLite3 extension Add createCollation method. Fixed bug Wrappers opened with errors concurrency problem on ZTS.

Tidy Fixed bug tidy null pointer dereference. Fixed bug Memory leak in xmlrpc functions copying zvals. Zlib Fixed bug initialization of global inappropriate for ZTS. Fixed bug A particular string fails to decompress. Fixed bug gzopen leaks when specifying invalid mode.

Laruence Fixed bug Anonymous functions create cycles not detected by the GC. Laruence Fixed bug Undefined function Bug. Pierre Fixed bug Cannot conditionally move uploaded file without race condition. Felipe BCmath: Fixed bug bcscale related crashes on 64bits platforms. Derick Fixed bug TLA timezone dates are not converted properly from timestamp. Derick Fixed bug DateTime::add and sub result -1 hour on objects with time zone type 2.

Derick Fixed bug strtotime with timezone memory leak. Derick Fixed bug Seg fault while creating by unserialization DatePeriod.

Felipe Fixed memory leak when calling the Finfo constructor twice. Ilia FTP: Fixed bug out of sync ftp responses. Florian Fixed memory leak in several Intl locale functions. Chris Jones Increased maximum Oracle error message buffer length for new Chris Jones Improve internal initalization failure error messages.

Ralph Schindler Fixed bug internal corruption of phar. Hannes Fixed bug Unable to decompress files in a compressed phar.

Also provide a web page status. FR This option won't be in 5. Fixes Bug Chregu, Nicolas Gregoire Version 5. Pierre, Andrey, Johannes Version 5. Felipe Fixed bug compiler fail after previous fail.

Dmitry Fixed bug classes from dl 'ed extensions are not destroyed. Dmitry Fixed bug Use of closure causes problem in ArrayAccess. Dmitry Fixed bug Closure, use and reference. Dmitry Fixed bug Crash when assigning value to a dimension in a non-array. Dmitry Fixed bug use of static variables in lambda functions can break staticness. Felipe Reported by Mateusz Kocielski. Hannes Fixed a crash inside dtor for error handling. Ilia Fixed buffer overflow on overlog salt in crypt.

Felipe Reported by Krzysztof Kotowicz. Pierre Fixed bug assert. Dustin Ward Fixed bug getimagesize doesn't check the full ico signature. Ilia Alternative fix for bug Fixed bug , as applied to the round function signed overflow , as the old fix impacted the algorithm for numbers with magnitude smaller than 0. Ilia Fixed bug Using class constants in array definition fails. Pierrick, Dmitry Fixed bug Invalid parsing in convert. Ilia cURL extension: Added ini option curl.

FR Fixed bug Derick Fixed bug DateTime::add method bug. Felipe Fixed bug Case discrepancy in timezone names cause Uncaught exception and fatal error. Felipe Exif extesion: Fixed bug error message format string typo. Ilia Interbase extension: Fixed bug Short exception message buffer causes crash. Clint Byrum, Raphael libxml extension: Fixed bug Removing the doctype node segfaults. Hannes Fixed bug libxml extension ignores default context. Andrey mysqlnd Fixed crash when using more than 28, bound parameters.

Workaround is to set mysqlnd. Scott On blocking SSL sockets respect the timeout option where possible. Tony, Johannes Fixed bug foreach throws irrelevant exception. Hannes Fixed bug Segfault when writing to a persistent socket after closing a copy of the socket. Gustavo Fixed bug addGlob crashes on invalid flags.

Felipe Version 5. Scott Fixed bug numerous crashes due to setlocale crash on error, pcre, mysql etc. Pierre Added options to debug backtrace functions. Stas Fixed bug isset and empty produce apparently spurious runtime error.

Dmitry Fixed bug Closures can't 'use' shared variables by value and by reference. Hannes, Ilia Fixed bug Lack of error context with nested exceptions. Stas Fixed bug Throwing an exception in a destructor causes a fatal error. Gustavo Fixed bug buffer overrun with high values for precision ini setting. Gustavo Fixed bug reflection data for fgetcsv out-of-date.

Richard Fixed bug Regression introduced in 5. Ilia Fixed bug fwrite doesn't check reply from ftp server before exiting. Derick Fixed bug DatePeriod fails to initialize recurrences on 64bit big-endian systems.

Derick, rein basefarm. Stas Fixed bug Can't use new properties in class extended from DateInterval. Stas Fixed bug DateTime constructor's second argument doesn't have a null default value. Adam Intl extension: Fixed bug Segmentation fault when using cloned several intl objects. Kalle Fixed buggy counting of affected rows when using the text protocol. Chris Jones Fixed bug userspace stream stat callback does not separate the elements of the returned array before converting them.

Gustavo Implemented FR open arbitrary file descriptor with fopen. Stas, Maksymilian Arciemowicz. CVE Fixed bug Missing constants for compression type. Richard, Adam Fixed bug ZipArchive should quiet stat errors. Hannes Fixed bug swapped memset arguments in struct initialization. Richard Fixed bug feof never returns true for damaged file in zip.

Gustavo, Richard Quadling Version 5. Rasmus Fixed a possible double free in imap extension Identified by Mateusz Kocielski. Pierre Fixed symbolic resolution support when the target is a DFS share. Adam General improvements: Added stat support for zip stream. It now takes a charset hint, like htmlentities et al. As a side improvement, temporary files are not opened for empty uploads and, in debug mode, 0-length uploads.

Gustavo Fixed bug strripos not overloaded with Ncert Solutions Of Class 10th Maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.1 Full function overloading enabled. Gustavo Fixed bug php -i has different output to php --ini. Felipe Fixed bug printf of floating point variable prints maximum of 40 decimal places. Gustavo Fixed covariance of return-by-ref constraints. Felipe Fixed bug Throwing an exception in a destructor causes invalid catching.

Dmitry Build issues: Fixed bug Compile error if systems do not have stdint. Derick Fixed bug Relative dates and getTimestamp increments by one day. Oracle Corp. Ilia Filter extension: Fixed the filter extension accepting IPv4 octets with a leading 0 as that belongs to the unsupported "dotted octal" representation.

Gustavo Fixed bug problems in the validation of IPv6 addresses with leading and trailing :: in the filter extension. Gustavo GD extension: Fixed bug fix crash if anti-aliasing steps are invalid. Adam Fixed bug iconv output handler outputs incorrect content type when flags are used. Ilia Intl extension: Fixed crashes on invalid parameters in intl extension.

Stas, Maksymilian Arciemowicz Added support for formatting the timestamp stored in a DateTime object. Stas Fixed bug IntlDateFormatter::parse result is limited to the integer range.

Updated with UnicodeData Andrey Fixed bug Call to undefined method mysqli::poll - must be static. Andrey Fixed bug Can't initialize character set hebrew. Requires Oracle Gustavo Fixed bug Reflection doesnt get dynamic property value from getProperty. Felipe Fixed bug ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs does not work for classes without constructors.

Felipe Streams: Fixed forward stream seeking emulation in streams that don't support seeking in situations where the read operation gives back less data than requested and when there was data in the buffer before the emulation started.

Also made more consistent its behavior -- should return failure every time less data than was requested was skipped. Gustavo Fixed bug Invalid write on second and subsequent reads with an inflate filter fed invalid data. Felipe Zlib extension: Fixed bug zlib fopen wrapper does not use context. Gustavo Version 5.

Andrey Fixed possible buffer overflows when handling error packets in mysqlnd. Reported by Stefan Esser. Andrey Fixed very rare memory leak in mysqlnd, when binding thousands of columns. Andrey Fixed a crash when calling an inexistent method of a class that inherits PDOStatement if instantiated directly instead of doing by the PDO methods.

Pierre Fixed a possible crash because of recursive GC invocation. Dmitry Fixed a possible information leak because of interruption of XOR operator. Dmitry Fixed a possible memory corruption because of unexpected call-time pass by refernce and following memory clobbering through callbacks. Dmitry Fixed a possible memory corruption in ArrayObject::uasort. Dmitry Fixed a possible memory corruption in pack. Dmitry Fixed a possible memory corruption in addcslashes. Dmitry Fixed a possible stack exhaustion inside fnmatch.

Ilia Fixed a possible dechunking filter buffer overflow. Pierre Fixed a possible arbitrary memory access inside sqlite extension. Reported by Mateusz Kocielski. Ilia Fixed string format validation inside phar extension. Ilia Fixed handling of session variable serialization on certain prefix characters. Stas Fixed the mail. Johannes Fixed bug Segmentation fault when using mail on a rhel 4.

Johannes Fixed bug converting closure to array yields empty array. Felipe Fixed bug Reflectionfunction reports invalid number of arguments for function aliases. Felipe Fixed bug custom request header variables with numbers are removed. Felipe Fixed bug Constants are parsed into the ini file for section names. Felipe Fixed bug ReflectionClass fails on Closure class.

Felipe Fixed bug handling of case sensitivity of old-style constructors changed in 5. Felipe Fixed bug Concurrent builds fail in install-programs. Ilia Fixed bug Memory allocation problems after using variable variables. Kalle, coreystup at gmail dot com Fixed bug ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue memory leaks with constant array. Felipe Fixed bug ReflectionParameter fails if default value is an array with an access to self Felipe Fixed bug checkdnsrr does not support types other than MX. Dmitry Fixed bug constant aborts execution when fail to check undefined constant.

Mike Fixed bug Content-length header is limited to 32bit integer with Apache2 on Windows. Ilia Fixed bug ini per dir crashes when invalid document root are given. Pierre Fixed bug imagefill does not work correctly for small images. Pierre Fixed bug getColumnMeta causes segfault when re-executing query after calling nextRowset. Pierrick Fixed bug Certificate file without private key pk in another file doesn't work. Pierre Fixed bug script path not correctly evaluated. Andrey Fixed bug newline in end of header is shown in start of message.

Felipe Fixed bug Bus error due to wrong alignment in mysqlnd. Fixed bug query timeout in mssql can not be changed per query. Felipe Fixed bug crypt function hangs after 3rd call. Pierre, Sriram Fixed bug Error line reported incorrectly if error handler throws an exception.

Tony Fixed bug Faultstring property does not exist when the faultstring is empty Ilia, dennis at transip dot nl Fixed bug zlib. Ilia Fixed bug imagefill doesn't work with large images.

Pierre Fixed bug 'last day' and 'first day' are handled Class 10 Maths Ch 2 Ex 2.4 Full incorrectly when parsing date strings. Andrey Fixed bug filter doesn't detect int overflows with GCC 4.

Felipe Fixed bug Soap headers Authorization not allowed. Felipe Fixed bug name clash between global and local variable. Derick Fixed bug fix possible memory corruption with very long names. Andrey Fixed bug Reflection doesn't seem to work properly on MySqli. Derick Fixed bug DateTime::diff repeats previous sub operation. Felipe Fixed bug Timezone database fallback map is outdated. Derick Fixed bug Cyclical garbage collector memory leak. Adam, patch from hiroaki dot kawai at gmail dot com.

Fixed bug sscanf does not support bit values. Mike Fixed bug Some timezone identifiers can not be parsed. Ilia Version 5. Ilia Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3. Ilia Upgraded bundled libmagic to version 5. Scott Updated timezone database to version Derick Improved LCG entropy. Rasmus Changed tidyNode class to disallow manual node creation.

Tony, Ilia Added libpng 1. Sebastian Added Collator::getSortKey for intl extension. Arnaud Improved fix for bug Segfault caused by uksort. Stas Fixed mysqlnd hang when queries exactly bytes long are sent. Andrey Fixed incorrect decoding of 5-byte BIT sequences in mysqlnd. Jani Fixed unnecessary invocation of setitimer when timeouts have been disabled. Arvind Srinivasan Fixed memory leak in extension loading when an error occurs on Windows. Pierre Fixed possible bad behavior of rename on windows when used with symbolic links or invalid paths.

Pierre Fixed error output to stderr on Windows. Pierre Fixed memory leak in the realpath cache on Windows. Pierre Fixed crypt's blowfish sanity check of the "setting" string, to reject iteration counts encoded as 36 through Solar Designer, Joey, Pierre Fixed bug crypt crashes when invalid salt are given. Ilia Fixed bug build fails with openssl 1. Ilia Fixed bug php. Joey, Ilia Fixed bug Bug in garbage collector causes crash.

Dmitry Fixed bug putenv does not set ENV when the value is only one char. Pierre Fixed bug strtotime does not support eighth ordinal number. Pierrick Fixed bug Broken object model when extending tidy. Sriram Fixed bug declare encoding doesn't work within an included file. Stas Fixed bug performance regression handling objects, ten times slowerin 5. Ilia Fixed bug nanosleep not detected properly on some solaris versions.

Jani Fixed bug php. Jani Fixed bug crypt ignores sha prefix. Ilia, Pierrick Fixed bug xmlrpc does not preserve keys in encoded indexed arrays.

Jani Fixed bug conflicting types for llabs. Dmitry Fixed bug isset and empty silently casts array to object. Jani Fixed bug soap call Segmentation fault on a redirected url.

Jani Fixed bug Incorrectly matched docComment. Dmitry Fixed bug Memory leak when fetching timestamp column from Oracle database. Felipe Fixed bug wrong working directory in symlinked files. Felipe Fixed bug crash while running bug Felipe Fixed bug With default compilation option, php symbols are unresolved for nsapi.

Ilia Fixed bug Throwing through Reflection modified Exception object makes segmentation fault. Pierrick Fixed bug Curl post upload functions changed. Ilia, sjoerd at php dot net Fixed bug , http wrapper breaks on char long headers. Ilia, wmeler at wp-sa dot pl Fixed bug ReflectionClass::hasProperty returns true for a private property in base class. Jani Fixed bug libxml 2.

Fixed bug PDO fetchObject sets values before calling constructor. Pierrick Fixed bug Constants defined in Interfaces can be overridden. Felipe Fixed bug setAttributeNS fails setting default namespace.

Rob Fixed bug Floating point NaN cause garbage characters. Ilia Fixed bug importNode doesn't preserve attribute namespaces. Rob Fixed bug extract problem with array containing word "this". Fixed bug htmlentities uses obsolete mapping table for character entity references.

Pierrick Fixed bug define allows :: in constant names. Ilia Added missing sanity checks around exif processing. Pierre Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3. Felipe Fixed sanity check for the color index in imagecolortransparent. Pierre Fixed zlib.

Pierre Fixed possible bad caching of symlinked directories in the realpath cache on Windows. Pierre Fixed atime and mtime in stat related functions on Windows. Closures and Functors. Jani Improve symbolic, mounted volume and junctions support for realpath on Windows. Always available when IPv6 is support is installed, format is now the same than on unix. Pierre Fixed bug no support for. Jani Fixed bug long2ip can return wrong value in a multi-threaded applications. Sriram Natarajan Fixed bug crashes when using fileinfo when timestamp conversion fails.

Pierre Fixed bug Unexpected change in strnatcasecmp. Ilia Fixed bug php engine need to correctly check for socket API return status on windows. Sriram Natarajan Fixed bug ldap. Ilia Fixed bug wordwrap wraps incorrectly on end of line boundaries.

Ilia Fixed bug bcmath module doesn't compile with phpize configure. Jani Fixed bug Ternary operator fails on Iterator object when used inside foreach declaration. Pierre Fixed bug Import of schema from different host transmits original authentication details. Felipe Fixed bug mysqli segfault on error. Felipe Fixed bug ReflectionFunction fails to work with functions in fully qualified namespaces. Kalle, Jani Fixed bug private class static fields can be modified by using reflection.

Jani Fixed bug feof never returns true for damaged file in zip. Jani Fixed bug context option headers freed too early when using --with-curlwrappers. Jani Fixed bug The function touch fails on directories on Windows. Pierre Fixed bug SplFileObject::fscanf variables passed by reference. Ilia Fixed bug phar tar signature algorithm reports as Unknown 0 in getSignature call. Greg Fixed bug phar misinterprets ustar long filename standard.

Greg Fixed bug dechunked filter broken when serving more than bytes in a chunk. Stas Fixed bug zlib. Felipe Fixed bug cURL does not upload files with specified filename. Felipe Fixed bug Problems compiling with Curl. Felipe Fixed bug string.

Felipe Fixed bug IPv6 socket transport is not working. Ilia Fixed bug printf returns incorrect outputted length. Rasmus, Gwynne Fixed bug open office files always reported as corrupted.

Greg Fixed bug RecursiveDirectoryIterator doesn't descend into symlinked directories. Ilia Fixed bug make install will fail saying phar file exists. Sriram Natarajan Fixed bug rename between volumes fails and reports no error on Windows. Jani Fixed bug ZipArchive produces corrupt archive. Felipe Fixed bug ReflectionFunction::invoke parameter issues. Johannes, Andrey Fixed bug Crash during date parsing with invalid date.

Pierre Fixed bug Unable to browse directories within Junction Points. Ilia Fixed bug openssl signature verification for tar archives broken. Moriyoshi Fixed bug "file" fopen wrapper is overwritten when using --with-curlwrappers. Jani Fixed bug Invalid libreadline version not detected during configure. Jani Fixed bug error message unclear on converting phar with existing file. Greg Fixed bug Infinite loop and possible crash during startup with errors when errors are logged.

Cause for and - both fixed too. Kalle Fixed bug ssl handshake fails during asynchronous socket connection. Sriram Natarajan Fixed bug Fixed build with Openssl 1. Pierre, Al dot Smith at aeschi dot ch dot eu dot org Fixed bug Only the date fields of the first row are fetched, others are empty. Dmitry Fixed bug touch afield returns different values on windows.

Uwe Schindler Fixed bug imagefilledrectangle clipping error. Ilia Fixed bug popen crashes when an invalid mode is passed.

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