Benefits of Aluminum Boat Trailers. Lightweight; Great corrosion resistance; High aesthetic appeal; Each trailer comes with the Tredit Advantage Program, which includes 24/7 emergency service, vehicle theft recovery incentive, lost/stolen key service and more. Apply an aluminum-safe anti-fouling paint, if the boat will be stored in the water. Good old-fashioned sanding is an important stage; a rough, course-grit sandpaper is best. Sanding an Aluminum Boat. Just like painting fiberglass or wood, painting an aluminum boat begins with sanding away old paint and oxidation until you�re left with clean.

Wash the aluminum boat trailer paint key surface of the trailer with a good degreasing soap and water. You need to understand that as the paint continues to deteriorate, the aluminum becomes exposed to the elements and this would bring about corrosion. Gloves are also a good idea to limit contact with chemicals and metal filings. The corners and angles are hard to reach with a scraper or wire wheel and it was not worth the time. And you need to know this prior to applying the primer, because some primers should be painted over just an hour or two after application. Most hardware stores alumiinum wire wheels for traler few bucks and one will last the duration of the project. Either way, if you follow our easy guide, we traileg confident that you will be just as pleased with your boat as we are with aluminum boat trailer paint key

Main points:

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