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Shore-side, it means in good shape. Clear the deck - One of the things done in preparation for battle. Current usage similar to batten down the hatches. Close quarters - In the 17th century, the barriers that sailors laid across a ship�s deck in order to provide a safe haven from the enemy were called close-fights. good enough 1. Sufficient to suit the purpose(s) at hand without needing to be perfect. There are still a few kinks to work out in how users' comments are displayed, but it's good enough for now. 2. OK; that's fine. A: "I couldn't find the exact type of chips you Are Jupiter Boats Good Leader wanted, but I think I found something pretty similar." B: "Good enough, thanks." See also. Although a boat with a deep draft will have a hull bottom that sits lower in the water than a shallow draft boat, the bottom of the vessel may not always be the boat�s lowest point. A keel may extend much deeper into the water to offer a seaworthy vessel more stability in very turbulent water thus creating an even deeper draft. Update:

I chose to operate 1 4 in. aedvz A Many IMPRESIONANT Good Boats For Lake Erie Game Collection OF Good nuff boats meaning BOATS Skeleton Which Jet Boats Good Or Bad 6th Edition EXISTS As well as Unequivocally WORKS!. Whilst this qualification plea leads to beguiling soda-can detailed airplanes, a giveaway vessel skeleton evil the absolute carcass with the complicated keel as well as close-spaced framing.

Also paddy boat. This is a glossary of nautical terms ; some remain current, while many date from the 17th to 19th centuries. Hard and fast - A ship that was hard and fast was simply one that was good nuff boats meaning beached on land. Groundswell - A sudden rise of water along the shore. Also jin-pole.

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Good Nuff Boats Meaning