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May 13, �� Would you like to learn how to build your own dragon boat race game? This is a very fun racing game that everyone will love. Thanks to Bostik for giving us. In this resource, you are going to learn how to make a racing game. The player uses the mouse to navigate a boat to an island without bumping into obstacles. What you will make. What you will need Hardware. A computer capable of running Scratch 3. Software. Scratch 3 (either online or offline). Apr 22, �� So, they put them into the water, all at the same time, to see who would have a boat that floated and who had a boat than sank. Luckily all of the boats floated! Last, we turned on the jets, put the boats at the far side of the bathtub and let them �race� to the other side of the tub.

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Build Your Own Boat Race 03