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25.01.2021 admin

Once you have saved the PDF of Exercise 6. Out of the 16 questions in Maths Class 10 Chapter 6 Exercise 6. A set of pairs of triangles are given, and you need to identify which ones clsss similar and also mention the criterion based on which you define them as similar triangles.

You also need to give the correct notation for describing similar triangles. In the second question teorems Class 10 Maths Chapter 6 Exercise 6. Ch 6 maths class 10 theorems database need to apply the theorem for alternate interior angles and vertically opposite angles to solve this problem. In this question, a triangle is given, which contains two triangles inside of it.

By applying the theorem that if the sides of a triangle ch 6 maths class 10 theorems database proportional, then their corresponding angles are equal, you can prove that the two interior triangles are similar.

This is a straightforward question where two angles of two triangles are the same AA criterion hence students can prove that the given dwtabase ch 6 maths class 10 theorems database similar.

This question of Class 10 Maths Exercise 6. In this question of Triangles Class, 10 Exercise 6. You will be using the concept of vertically opposite angles and common angles to solve this question.

This is again a simple question where two right triangles are given which have a common side, and you need to prove that both are similar triangles which can be easily proved with databbase common angle, corresponding sides of similar triangles, and alternate angle concept.

Class 10 Maths Exercise 6. In this problem, an isosceles triangle is given, and one of its sides is extended, and mathx perpendicular is dropped from the extended point to the opposite side of the triangle.

Students need to prove that the triangle ch 6 maths class 10 theorems database by extension and the triangle formed by dropping a perpendicular to the base of the original triangle are ch 6 maths class 10 theorems database. The properties of the isosceles triangle and alternate angle criterion are used to solve this problem. There are two triangles ABC and PQR in this problem, and it is given that the medians of the two triangles and the adjacent sides are proportional.

The median divides the opposite side, using this concept along with SSS for congruent triangles and corresponding angles of similar triangles, this problem can be solved. This is done using concepts of common angle, alternate angle, and corresponding angles of similar triangles rules. This question is similar to question 12 where the sides of two triangles and their median are proportional, and you need to prove that the two triangles are similar.

This question is solved by extending the median of both the triangles by equal length and then using rules of a parallelogram, SSS, SAS, and corresponding angles of similar triangles criterion to prove that the triangles are similar.

This is a question on a vertical pole and its shadow along with the shadow of a tower. Two similar triangles are given, and students need to prove that the ratio of sides of the triangles and their medians are equal. Using the property dwtabase the median and corresponding angle similarity criterion, one can solve this problem.

All the problems in the Ex 6. The solutions are available in downloadable PDF format, which can also be printed out for a quick revision.

The expert team of Vedantu has based all the answers on the CBSE curriculum; hence you can expect to score high marks in maths. The solutions are free of cost.

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