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� ������� ������ ��������� ����� ��������� � ���� ������� ��������������. We can divide stream by seeing its position based on an operator. upstream downstream source consumer/further operators. So from top to the operator, we call it upstream. From operator to the bottom, we call it downstream. It's not equivalent to subscribeOn and observeOn. subscribeOn and observeOn are only operators. However, we can distinguish the behaviour of that two operators by using downstream and upstream concept. subscribeOn is affecting its upstream and downstream. For example, subcsribeOn on this code. just("Some String").map(str -> myboat285 boatplans 4 years ago. Upstream Downstream Word Problems. Source(s): myboat285 boatplans 0.� The problem I have with setting up the equation is that I don't know the rate of Upstream Downstream Word Problems Worksheet Date the current. I can do my best guess. If he's going downstream 24km in 6hours, in d=rt language that's 24=6r+current, and upstream he's going 18=6r-current. Since time is the same we can rearrange these, instead of saying d=rt, we'd say that t=d/r. So downstream 6=24/rate+current speed and upstream is 6=18/rate-current speed. And since t=t, or 6=6, then you can say that 24/rate+current speed=18/rate-current speed. Hope that helps.

Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm new to Netty and don't really understand the flow of handlers in Netty. What I want to know is the difference between the Upstream and Downstream handlers.

Why can't we intercept the message in downstream handlers as we do in upstream? Do downstream and upstream mean the same as in normal terms?

The difference is that one handles incoming upstream and the other outgoing downstream. I should also note that upstream events will only get triggered by the IO-Thread so there is no need to synchronize field access in there if you use a new ChannelUpstreamHandler per ChannelPipeline. Downstream events can be triggered by any thread, so access to fields needs to be synchronized.

I think the ideas are being derived from network stacks. Netty's handler-pipeline analogy is similar to OSI Network layer-stack. Take a look into how OSI network layer look like Think each handler as 'one layer', whole pipeline as 'one network stack', physical link as 'IO source' and User as 'application logic handler'. Using the same pipeline stack , we need to do two functionalities.

So essentially same pipeline has to do two different things receive the messages and send the messages back. Let's consider a concrete example a server with authentication and encryption , with 3 handlers making a pipeline:. And when a DownstreamEvent is created by user application code , Netty will call all handlers in the pipeline in sequence from n to 1, which have implemented ChannelDownstreamHandler. Hope it'll help you to answer Why do we need two behaviours for handlers upstream and downstream , How netty solves the sending and receiving through Downstream and Upstream.

How can we really use the constructs in real world application. Stack Overflow for Teams � Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How does upstream and downstream handlers work in Netty�? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 1 month ago.

Active 3 months ago. Viewed 6k times. Improve this question. Pradeep Pradeep 6 6 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.

Improve this answer. Norman Maurer Norman Maurer Thank you for replying But what I don't understand is that in telnet application given in Jboss Netty site, it uses an upstream handler to print the message sent back from the server But why aren't they using a downstream handler? Could you please give an example for downstream handlers Like I said upstream is for incomming which in fact is what it is in the example.

And example for an downstream event would be an encoder that needs to encode your written object to a ChannelBuffer. For an example see github. So sorry to bother you again.. Could you please explain what is meant by IO Threads? For an example, in the Telnet application,what is the way that the client side upstream handlers get triggered? I think this is what I really don't understand As soon as a buffer was received it will fire an event which will get send to the ChannelPipeline.

But I still don't understand why upstream handler flow Upstream And Downstream In Maths Youtube is shown as going out from the app in ChannelPipeline Show 4 more comments. Using the same pipeline stack , we need to do two functionalities Transmit data send data down , when 'application logic handler' want to do something through 'IO source' Receive data send data up , when 'IO source' has some event, which might be interest of 'application logic handler' So essentially same pipeline has to do two different things receive the messages and send the messages back.

Netty will forward the DownstreamEvent to 1 which is only one, before 3 and implemented ChannelDownstreamHandler. Examples of UpstreamEvent : message received channel opened channel closed exception raised by 'IO source' write completed by 'IO source' channel disconnected Examples of DownstreamEvent : Write a message to channel Bind to a port connect to server address Your answer ends here, for extra content, you can continue below.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Introducing Boat Travel Upstream And Downstream Problems And The Key. Featured on Meta. Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever. Visit chat. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Accept all cookies Customize settings.

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