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Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Important Questions are given below updated for new academic session There are questions covering the entire chapter 4 of class 10 Science. It includes the intext questions answers and some extra questions based on activities and exercises. Food, clothes, medicines, books, or many of the things that you listed are all based on this versatile element carbon. In addition, all living structures are carbon based.

In spite of this small amount of carbon available in nature, the importance of carbon seems to be immense. In the formation of carbon tetrachloride, dual console bass boat question shares four electrons with four chlorine atoms. In turn four chlorine atoms shares one electron each with one carbon atom. Thus in all one carbon atom and four chorine atom complete their octet by mutual sharing of electrons and carbon tetrachloride containing ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read covalent bond is formed.

It shares one electron each of three hydrogen atom to form ammonia molecules. One unshared paired of electron in ammonia molecule is not involved in bond formation and is called a lone pair of electrons.

The bond between two atoms formed by sharing of two pairs of electrons is called a double bond. Examples: i Formation of Oxygen atom has six electrons in its outermost shell, two short of forming a complete octet. Thus each oxygen atom in O2 shares 2 electrons with the other oxygen atom attain stable configuration. The bond formed between two atoms through the sharing of three electron pairs is called a triple bond. Examples: i Formation of N2 molecules: Nitrogen atoms have five electrons in their outermost shells.

Therefore, in N2 molecules two nitrogen atom shares 3 electrons with each other, Thus acquiring the stable structure and forming a N2 molecule with triple bond. The covalent compound is said to be formed when two atoms achieve stability by the sharing of electron pair, each contributing one electron to the electron pair.

In this way the atom can be regarded as having acquired a noble gas configuration. Covalent compound exhibit the following properties: i These Class 10 Maths Ch 5 Important Questions Sample have low melting and boiling point. They are non-electrolyte. Covalent compounds have strong bonds within the molecule and intermolecular force are very weak and so have low melting and boiling points.

Covalent compound are formed due to sharing of electron between atoms and no charged particle are formed, hence such compound is generally bad conductor of electricity. Elements of stable configuration ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read in atomic form. For example, inert gases He, Ne, Ar. Elements which are short of inert configuration by 1,2 or 3 electron shell contain 5, 6, 7 electrons achieve stable configuration by sharing requisite number of electron with other atoms and exist in molecular form.

For example, chlorine atom has 7 electrons in their outermost shell, thus two Cl atoms share one electron of each other and exist as Cl-Cl Cl2.

When an element possesses two or more different crystalline forms in the same state they are called allotropes and the phenomenon is known as allotropy. Diamond and graphite are the two allotropes of carbon. They are chemically identical when equal quantities of diamond and graphite are burnt both of these produce the same amount of carbon dioxide.

However, as they exist in different form in the solid state, they have entirely different physical properties. Carbon has two unique features: i It is tetravalent. Because of tetra-valency carbon atom in its compound are linked by single, double or triple bonds. Carbon atom are also bonded with oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen and sulphur giving rise to compounds with specific properties typical dual console bass boat question the element other than carbon present in the molecule.

Saturated hydrocarbons: A hydrocarbon in which each carbon atom is attached to four other atoms is known as saturated hydrocarbon. The bonds so formed are single covalent bonds. These hydrocarbons are also called alkanes. Ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read atom has a small size and this enables its nucleus to hold on the shared pair of electron quite strongly. This is why carbon forms strong bond with most other elements and the compounds formed are exceptionally stable as compared to covalent bond formed by other elements.

The unique property of carbon to form bonds with other carbon atom giving rise to large molecules is called catenation. Due to catenation compounds of carbon have long chain of carbon and even carbon atoms arranged in rings. Saturated hydrocarbon- methane CH4ethane C2H6. Unsaturated hydrocarbon- ethane C2H4ethyne C2H2. Hydrocarbon can be classified either on the basis of nature of dual console bass boat question or nature of chains between carbon atoms.

Example CH4 methane. Example C2H4 ethene. Example: butane and isobutene. Example: Cyclohexane and benzene. Silicon forms compound which have chains like carbon.

Compound formed by silicon are few and are not so reactive. We first write the carbon atoms joined together in a chain and then fill the remaining valences with hydrocarbon atoms. In this way we get following structures ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read saturate hydrocarbon having 3,4,5 and 6 carbon atoms respectively.

Then name these according to the number of carbon atoms example propane, butane, pentane and hexane dual console bass boat question saturate hydrocarbon containing 3,4,5 and 6 carbon atoms respectively. The group formed by removal of the hydrogen atom from an alkane molecule is called an alkyl radical or alkyl group.

For example, if hydrogen is removed from methane, it is �CH3 methyl group. The molecular formula for an alkane 4 carbon atom is C4H An alkene ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read 2 hydrogen atom less than the corresponding alkane and an alkyne contain 4 hydrogen atom less than corresponding alkanes.

Therefore, molecular formula of i alkene is C4H8 ii alkyne is C4H6. The compound having a triple bond is called an alkyne.

It has 4 hydrogen atom less than the corresponding alkane. Therefore, C3H4 is an alkyne. Its corresponding alkane is C3H8. A group which determines the chemical nature of an organic compound is called a functional group.

A homologous series in a group or family of compounds which contain the same functional group but have different chains lengths thus these have the same chemical properties but ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read physical properties but different physical properties that vary in a regular manner.

Characteristics of homologous series i It has a general formula in term of number of carbon atoms. Since an alkene contain two hydrogen atom less than the corresponding alkane, therefore the general formula for alkenes is CnH2n.

Further since an alkyne contain 2 hydrogen atoms less than the corresponding alkene hence the general formula for alkynes is CnH2n Two successive homologous should differ: i by 14 in molecular mass and ii one carbon atom and two hydrogen atom in terms of atoms in their molecules. The phenomenon in which two or more compounds having same molecular formula may exist with different structural formulae is called isomerism.

The compound that contain the same molecular formula but different structures are called structural isomers. The isomers of a compound have same chemical properties and different physical properties. For example, a four carbon atom saturated hydrocarbon C4H10 is called butane and a-5c atom straight saturated hydrocarbon is called pentane C5H Branched chain saturated hydrocarbon: The following rule should be followed for naming branched chain saturated carbon.

The compound is then named on the basis of number of carbon atoms present in the longest chain. This is called parent hydrocarbon. That is, the terminal carbon atom which is nearest to the carbon atom containing an alkyl group or a substituent is given number 1. Hydrocarbons ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read functional groups: In case a functional group is present, it is indicated in the name of the compound with a prefix for halides and a suffix for other functional groups.

If the name is to be given by a prefix, then halo chloro, bromo, iodo is written before the name of the corresponding hydrocarbon, e. Therefore, ending ene- is to be used. Therefore, the compound is propane. When the carbon atoms are numbered from left hand side, Basic Questions Of Maths For Class 5 University the double bond appears between carbon 2 and 3. When the carbon atoms are numbered from the right hand side, the double bond appears between carbon atom 1 and carbon atom 2.

Since we have to name it in such a way that the carbon joined by a double bond carries the lowest possible numbers. The concept of functional group is important in organic chemistry for the following reasons: i Functional groups are taken as the basis for naming of the organic compounds.

Compounds containing the same functional group show similar chemical behavior. Common name: Ethylidene dibromide. IUPAC name: 1, 1 dibromo ethane. Out of these only carboxylic acids would turn blue litmus solution red. The hydroxyl group -OH when present in aliphatic organic compounds is known as an alcoholic group. The corresponding compound is an alcohol. This is because in these cases gaseous substance burn. Carboxylic acids containing long chain of carbon atoms are fatty acids.

They are use as mild acids in foods, cold drinks, drugs, perfumes and are chief constituents of washing soaps. Combustion is the burning of compounds in air to give CO2 and water ch 4 maths class 10 important questions read the liberation of heat and light. Oxidation is the reaction in which carbon compounds take up oxygen in the presence of oxidising agents to give another carbon compound.

Thus all combustion reactions are also oxidation reaction but oxidation are not combustion reactions. In fact combustion means complete combustion.

In an addition reaction an atom or group of atoms are added to an unsaturated compound while in substitution reaction an atom or a group present in saturated compound is replaced by another atom or group without the compound undergoing any change in its burn with yellow or sooty flame. The addition of molecules of the same kind to form a long chain molecule is known dual console bass boat question polymerisation.

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